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导读 credit n. 1. 赊帐,赊欠[U] He bought the furniture on credit. 他赊帐买了这家具。 2. (经济上的)信誉[U] Our interna...

credit n. 1. 赊帐,赊欠[U] He bought the furniture on credit. 他赊帐买了这家具。

2. (经济上的)信誉[U] Our international credit is excellent. 我们的国际信誉极好。

3. 银行存款(帐面余额)[U] How much does he have to his credit? 他存了多少钱? 4. 信用,信赖[U] I did not give credit to her story. 我没有相信她的话。

5. 荣誉,赞扬,功劳[U][(+for/to)] The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborators. 这项发明的荣誉属于洛奇先生和他的合作者。

6. 增光的人(或事物)[C][(+to)] She is a credit to her family. 她是给家里增光的人。

7. 【美】学分;(某门功课的)及格记录[C] 8. (会计)贷,贷方 vt.[W] 1. 相信 Nobody credited his story. 没有人相信他的话。

2. 把...记入贷方 The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. 那家银行贷了五万元给我们。

3. 把...归于[(+to)] The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。

4. 认为...有(某优点,成就等) I credit him with honesty. 我相信他是诚实的。

5. 【美】给(学生)记学分[(+with)]。
